Associate Professor

Dr. Subrahmanyam Gorthi

Education: Ph.D. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland
Areas of Interest:  Medical Image Analysis
Tell (O): 0877 2503262
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Education: Ph.D. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland
Areas of Interest: Medical Image Analysis
Tell (O): 0877 2503 262
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◘ Image Processing
◘ Medical Image Analysis
◘ Image Segmentation
◘ Image Registration
◘ Multi-atlas Fusion Methods
◘ Discrete Optimization Methods
◘ Markov Random Fields (MRF)
◘ Computer Vision

◘ S. Gorthi, A. Akhondi-Asl and S. K. Warfield. Optimal MAP Parameters Estimation in STAPLE using Local Intensity Similarity Information. in IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, vol. 19, num. 5, p. 1589-1597, 2015.
◘ O. Esteban, G. Wollny, S. Gorthi, M.-J. Ledesma-Carbayo and J.-P. Thiran et al. MBIS: Multivariate Bayesian Image Segmentation tool, in Computer Methods And Programs In Biomedicine, vol. 115, num. 2, p. 76-94, 2014.
◘ S. Gorthi, M. Bach Cuadra, P.-A. Tercier, A. S. Allal and J.-P. Thiran. Weighted Shape-Based Averaging With Neighborhood Prior Model for Multiple Atlas Fusion-Based Medical Image Segmentation, in IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 20, num. 11, p. 1036-1039, 2013.
◘ S. Gorthi, V. Duay, X. Bresson, M. Bach Cuadra and S. Castro, C. Pollo, A. S. Allal, and J.-Ph. Thiran. Active Deformation Fields: Dense Deformation Field Estimation for Atlas-based Segmentation using the Active Contour Framework, in Medical Image Analysis, vol. 15, num. 6, p. 787-800, 2011.
◘ S. Gorthi, V. Duay, N. Houhou, M. Bach Cuadra and U. Schick, M. Becker, A. S. Allal, and J.-Ph. Thiran. Segmentation of head and neck lymph node regions for radiotherapy planning, using active contour based atlas registration, in IEEE Journal of selected topics in signal processing, vol. 3, num. 1, p. 135-147, 2009.

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